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    실크로드의 상징적인 5개국여행: 우즈베키스탄, 카자흐스탄, 키르기스스탄, 타지키스탄, 투르크메니스탄.✈️🎬 Special Price for 2025 Wonders of Central Asia 5 Stans in 19 Days . Highlights of the tour ⤵ ▪Travel in a small group of up to 13 like-minded adventurers. ▪ Embark on an extraordinary journey tracing the footsteps of ancient traders through 5 iconic Silk Road countries: Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. ▪Explore the timeless cities of Samarkand, Bukhara, and Khiva in Uzbekistan, where the Silk Road's legacy is woven into every corner. ▪Cross the vast Karakum Desert in Turkmenistan and explore the mysterious Darvaza Gas Crater, also known as the "Door to Hell." ▪ Explore Kazakhstan’s vibrant Almaty, framed by majestic mountains, and wander through its bustling bazaars and Soviet-era architecture.

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