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    서울 남대문 북창동 60년전통 맛집. 송옥 판메밀. 천국같은 맛집- 2판에 1만원. 남대문 시장에 가면 꼭,들려서 먹는맛집. 26년전 서울 시청앞 월급쟁이 시절,점심시간에 회사동료들과 점심식사를하던 추억의 장소. 맛집식당. It is a 60-year-old restaurant located in Bukchang-dong, Seoul. It specializes in Songok buckwheat noodles. The price per person is 10,000 won. 🇺🇲 USD 7. It is a delicious buckwheat noodle that is good to stop by Namdaemun Market. When I worked in front of Seoul City Hall 26 years ago, it is a memorable restaurant that I enjoyed with my colleagues during lunch time. 20250304,여행이좋아~^꽃청춘.🇰🇷

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